Algemene informatie

Documenten Wereldgezondheidsorganisatie

Contact tracing in the context of COVID-19 (10 mei 2020)

Ethical considerations to guide the use of digital proximity tracking technologies for COVID-19 contact tracing (28 mei 2020)

Digital tools for COVID-19 contact tracing (4 juni 2020)

Documenten Europese Unie

EC Recommendation on a common EU toolbox for the use of technology and data to combat and exit from the COVID-19 crisis, in particular concerning mobile applications and the use of anonymised mobility data (8 april 2020)

Letter European Data Protection Board (14 april 2020)

Common EU Toolbox for Member States related to mobile applications to support contact tracing in the EU’s fight against COVID-19 (16 april 2020)

Communication from the Commission: guidance on apps supporting the fight against COVID-19 pandemic in relation to data protection (17 april 2020)

EP Resolution on EU coordinated action to combat the COVID-19 pandemic and its consequences (point 52) (17 april 2020)

EDPB Guidelines on the use of location data and contact tracing tools in the context of the COVID-19 outbreaks (21 april 2020)

European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control – Mobile applications in support of contact tracing for COVID-19 – A guidance for EU EEA Member States (10 juni 2020)

Nuttige informatie

Computational Privacy Group

International tracker MIT

Wikipedia on COVID-19 contact tracing apps

Bestaande apps (zie ook overzicht door de Europese Commissie)

Stopp CoronaWikipedia (25 March 2020 – DP-3T)

eRouška (11 April 2020 – Google/Apple ENS)

 CovTracer (30 April 2020 – Safe Paths)

ProteGO Safe (5 May 2020 – Google/Apple ENS)

VirusRadar (14 May 2020)

Apturi Covid (29 May 2020 – DP-3T)

ImmuniCode (1 June 2020 – Google/Apple ENS)

TousAntiCovidWikipedia – Code (2 June 2020 – ROBERT)

Corona-Warn-AppWikipedia – Code (16 June 2020 – DP-3T)

Smitte|Stop (18 June 2020 – Google/Apple ENS)

SwissCovidWikipedia (24 June 2020 – DP-3T)

COVID TrackerWikipediaCode (7 July 2020 – Google/Apple ENS)

Stop COVID-19  – Code (27 July 2020 – Google/Apple ENS)

Radar COVID (10 August 2020 – Google/Apple ENS)

CoronaMelderWikipedia (17 August 2020 – DP-3T)

 #OstaniZdrav (17 August 2020 – DP3T)

HOIA (20 August 2020 – DP-3T)

Koronavilkku (31 August 2020 – Google/Apple ENS)

Stayaway COVID (1 September 2020 – Google/Apple ENS)

 Coronalert (18 September 2020 – DP-3T)

COVID Alert Malta (18 September 2020 – Google/Apple ENS)

Korona Stop LT (5 November 2020 – DP-3T)