eGovernment & ICT – social sector


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Sociale Verzekeringsbank – The Hague – May 15, 2024
Proper digitisation as a critical success factor for effective and efficient social protection and health care

Board of Directors of the Crossroads Bank for Social Security – Brussels – March 27, 2023
Datawarehouse arbeidsmarkt en sociale bescherming

Sociale Verzekeringsbank – Conference on future-proof social security from an international perspective – The Hague – February 29, 2024
Proper digitisation as a critical success factor for effective and efficient social protection and health care

Bureau Keteninformatisering Werk en Inkomen (Nederland) – Brussels – January 30, 2024 & February 13, 2024
Sound electronic information management as a critical success factor for effective and efficient social protection and health care

Crossroads Bank for Social Security – Brussels – January 26, 2024
Presentation to the staff on the results of 2023 and objectives for 2024

École Nationale Supérieure de Sécurité Sociale – Déjeuner virtuel sur les actualités des systèmes d’information à la sécurité sociale – Paris – January 18, 2024
L’exemple de la démarche « dites-le-nous une fois »  de la sécurité sociale belge

Vlaamse projectgroep ‘Administratie en Rechten’ – Brussels – December 5, 2023
Automatische toekenning van aanvullende rechten – Geharmoniseerde Sociale Statuten (GSS) – MyBEnefits

École Nationale Supérieure de Sécurité Sociale – Brussels – November 7, 2023
Le modèle de la Banque Carrefour de la Sécurité Sociale et ses atouts dans le cadre de la lutte contre la fraude 

Federal Public Service Policy & Support – Public Governance & Leadership Program – Brussels – November 6, 2023
Sound electronic information management as a critical success factor for effective and efficient social protection and health care

Europavertretung der Deutschen Sozialversicherung – Brussels – October 10, 2023
Efficient and secure transborder exchange of personal data in the social and health sector

DOST Digital Innovations Center of the Republic of Azerbaijan – Baku – October 6, 2023
Sound electronic information management as a critical success factor for effective and efficient social protection and health care

Visit of the European Labour Agency – Brussels – May 12, 2023
Visit of the European Labour Agency

Bureau Regeringscommissaris Nederland – Brussels – June 1, 2023
Sound electronic information management as a critical success factor for effective and efficient social protection and health care

Inetum-Realdolmen – Huizingen – May 2, 2023
Ordina – Mechelen – April 14, 2023
Cegeka – Hasselt – March 17, 2023
Cronos – Kontich – March 10, 2023
ReUse and collaboration for better eGov services

Réunion de travail – M. Gabriel Attal, Ministre délégué auprès du ministre de l’Économie, des Finances et de la Souveraineté industrielle et numérique, chargé des Comptes publics – Brussels, March 22, 2023
Le modèle de la Banque Carrefour de la Sécurité Sociale

Cegeka – Hasselt – March 17, 2023
Stand van zaken en prioriteiten 2023 inzake digitalisering in de gezondheidssector en de sociale sector

Master of European Social Security – Leuven – March 24 – March 27 – March 30, 2023
Principles of good electronic information management in the social sector

Bezoek Staatssecretaris Koninkrijksrelaties en Digitalisering Nederland – Brussels – February 20, 2023
Sound electronic information management as a critical success factor for effective and efficient social protection and health care

Crossroads Bank for Social Security – Brussels – January 27, 2023
Presentation to the staff on the results of 2022 and objectives for 2023

European Labour Authority (ELA) – Athens – December 1, 2022
Inter-institutional collaboration and data exchange for risk management

Nationale Arbeidsraad – Brussels – November 22, 2022
Sociale verkiezingen – Stemmen op afstand

European Social Insurance Platform (ESIP) – Brussels – November 17, 2022
Digitalisation of social security: critique and prospects for EU action

École Nationale Supérieure de Sécurité Sociale – Saint-Étienne – Septembre 21, 2022
Le modèle de la Banque Carrefour de la Sécurité Sociale

Academy for Information & Management – Leren van diversiteit & innovatie – Genk – June 25, 2022
Sound electronic information management as a critical success factor for effective and efficient social protection and health care

Slotconferentie van het BELMOD en TAKE project – Brussels – June 23, 2022
Automatische toekenning van aanvullende rechten – Geharmoniseerde Sociale Statuten (GSS) – MyBEnefits

Board of Directors of the Crossroads Bank for Social Security – Brussels – May 25, 2022
GovAppNeed for an integrated architecture on EU level

Digital Convergence Initiative – Dialogue Series – Brussels – April 26, 2022
Principles of good electronic information management in the social sectorRecording of the presentation

Pointury & UiPath – Online round table on “Robotic Process Automation (RPA): success stories in the public sector” – Brussels – April 21, 2022
Robotic Process Automation (RPA): a success story in the social sector

Master of European Social Security – Leuven – March 18 – April 1, 2022
Principles of good electronic information management in the social sector

Webinar ‘Onderzoeksondersteuning door KSZ – Appui à la recherche par la BCSS’ – Brussels – February 22, 2022
Datawarehouse Arbeidsmarkt & Sociale BeschermingDatawarehouse Marché du travail & Protection sociale

Crossroads Bank for Social Security – Brussels – January 28, 2022
Presentation to the staff on the results of 2021 and objectives for 2022

École Nationale Supérieure de Sécurité Sociale – Saint-Étienne – November 2, 2021
Le modèle de la Banque Carrefour de la Sécurité Sociale et ses atouts dans le cadre de la lutte contre la fraude

École Nationale Supérieure de Sécurité Sociale – Saint-Étienne – April 8, 2021
Témoignage de la Banque Carrefour de la Sécurité Sociale (Belgique)

Crossroads Bank for Social Security – Brussels – January 22, 2021
Presentation to the staff on the results of 2020 and objectives for 2021

European Commission – RINA Working Group WP 5 – Brussels – October 23, 2020
RINA as a Service (RaaS)

Hearing at the French National Assembly – Paris – July 21, 2020
Soutien de la Banque Carrefour de la Sécurité Sociale à la lutte contre la fraude sociale

Crossroads Bank for Social Security – Brussels – January 24, 2020
Presentation to the staff on the results of 2019 and objectives for 2020

Unie Sociale Secretariaten – Brussels – January 8, 2020
Digital agenda: some focus areas

Hearing at the French National Assembly – Paris – November 6, 2019
Visit of Nathalie Goulet, French Senator, and Carole Grandjean, French MP, both in charge of a government mission on the combat against fraud – Brussels – September 4, 2019
Soutien de la Banque Carrefour de la Sécurité Sociale à la lutte contre la fraude sociale

BeNAP-EESSI Closing Conference – Brussels – October 22, 2019
EESSI – CBSS implementation and ways to move forward

Inspiratiedag Sociaal Werk en Sociaal Beleid KU Leuven – Leuven – October 18, 2019
De rol van de Kruispuntbank van de Sociale Zekerheid bij de automatische toekenning van rechten

International Social Security Association – World Social Security Forum 2019 – Brussels – October 15, 2019
Social security for the digital age – Towards a frictionless social security

International Social Security Association (ISSA) – Regional Social Security Forum for Europe – Baku – May 15, 2019
A model for multi-actor collaboration for an effective and efficient social protection system

Data Protection Authority – Brussels – March 20, 2019
Brief presentation of the CBSS datawarehouse

Crossroads Bank for Social Security – Brussels – January 25, 2019
Presentation to the staff on the results of 2018 and objectives for 2019

College van de Openbare Instellingen van Sociale Zekerheid – Brussels – December 7, 2018
Conversational interfaces & chatbots (by Bert Vanhalst)

Board of Directors of the Crossroads Bank for Social Security – Brussels – November 28, 2018
Federal Authentication Service (FAS)

Cyber Security Coalition – Privacy Focus Group – Brussels – November 6, 2018
Testimonial Kruispuntbank Sociale Zekerheid over gegevenscategorisering en aanpak Gegevensbeschermingseffectbeoordeling

Visit of Christine Cloarec, French MP in charge of a government mission on the fair level of social benefits – Brussels – July 25, 2018
Prestation de services électroniques: le modèle Banque Carrefour

College van de Openbare Instellingen van Sociale Zekerheid – 20 jaar responsabilisering van de OISZ – Brussels – May 25, 2018
Evolutie en stand van zaken op het vlak van ICTEvolution et état d’avancement sur le plan des TICProceedingsMovie

Vlaams Parlement – Brussels – May 15, 2018
Kruispuntbank Sociale Zekerheid en automatische toekenning van rechten

Instituut voor Sociaal Recht (ISR) van de KU Leuven – Feestelijke zitting 50 jaar ISR – Leuven – April 26, 2018
Informatie als strategische productiefactor voor een effectieve en efficiënte sociale bescherming

Crossroads Bank for Social Security – Brussels – January 26, 2018
Presentation to the staff on the results of 2017 and objectives for 2018

College van de Openbare Instellingen van Sociale Zekerheid – Brussels – January 25, 2018
Integratie Itsme in Federal Authentication Service (FAS)

Nationale Arbeidsraad – Brussels – January 15, 2018
Kruispuntbank Sociale Zekerheid en administratieve vereenvoudiging

The World Bank – Washington/Brussels – September 7, 2017
eGovernment in the Belgian social sector, co-ordinated by the Crossroads Bank for Social Security

College van de Openbare Instellingen van Sociale Zekerheid – Brussels – September 1, 2017

College van de Openbare Instellingen van Sociale Zekerheid – Brussels – April 28, 2017 & March 17, 2017
Update ICT en informatieveiligheid: BeConnected in G-Cloud, G-Clouddienst voor behandeling parlementaire vragen, linkenregister, blockchain (concept en mogelijkheden), aanpassing minimale normen en beleidslijnen informatieveiligheid

CNAV – Brussels –  March 9, 2017
Prestation de services électroniques: le modèle Banque Carrefour

Crossroads Bank for Social Security – Brussels – January 27, 2017
Presentation to the staff on the results of 2016 and objectives for 2017

College van de Openbare Instellingen van Sociale Zekerheid – Brussels – January 20, 2017
Strategische personeelsplanning nav G-Cloud, vervanging papieren token en aanpassing security policies aan GDPR

Norwegian Data Protection Authority – Brussels – October 14, 2016
The Crossroads Bank for Social Security: information security and privacy protection by design without unnecessary impediments of effective and efficient electronic information management

College van de Openbare Instellingen van Sociale Zekerheid – Brussels – July 1, 2016
Authenticatiemiddelen op mobiele devices & vervanging papieren token

Union des Caisses nationales de Sécurité sociale de la France – Brussels – June 28, 2016
La numérisation de la sécurité sociale belge: le modèle de la Banque Carrefour

Kamer van Volksvertegenwoordigers – Commissie Sociale Zaken – Hoorzitting over de automatische toekenning van rechten – Brussels – May 25, 2016
Kruispuntbank Sociale Zekerheid en automatische toekenning van rechten

Werkgroep Sociale Correcties – Brussels – April 14, 2016
Kruispuntbank Sociale Zekerheid en automatische toekenning van rechten

Comité van de Dienstenintegratoren – Brussels – February 25, 2016
Samenwerking tussen dienstenintegratoren: voorstel van taakverdeling
Coopération entre intégrateurs de services: proposition de répartition des tâches

Vlaamse Overheid – Departement Informatie Vlaanderen – Brussels – September 11, 2015
Geïntegreerde dienstverlening in de sociale sector in verandering

Vlaamse Ouderenraad vzw – Brussels – September 3, 2015
Kruispuntbank Sociale Zekerheid en automatische toekenning van rechten

Zenito – Groot-Bijgaarden – July 2, 2015
ICT in de sociale sector: stand van zaken, uitdagingen en opportuniteiten

KPMG Advisory – Brussels – March 3, 2015
Big data: some experiences in the social sector

Crossroads Bank for Social Security – Brussels – January 23, 2015
Presentation to the staff on the results of 2014 and objectives for 2015

College van de Voorzitters van de Federale Overheidsdiensten – Brussels – September 2, 2014
College van de Openbare Instellingen van Sociale Zekerheid – July 11, 2014
Coherent, efficiënt en toekomstgericht ICT beleid

Visit of a delegation of the French government – Brussels – July 31, 2014
Prestation de services électroniques: le modèle Banque Carrefour

ISACA & ISSA Belgium Event – Brussels – November 19, 2013
Belgian Internet Security Conference (Belnet) – Brussels – October 24, 2013
Information security approach within the Belgian social & health sector

Seminar by Strategic Seminars on “Het veralgemeend gebruik van authentieke bronnen: gevolgen en opportuniteiten voor uw organisatie” – Brussels – March 29, 2013
Welke lessen kunnen we trekken uit het concept van dienstenintegrator voor de instellingen van de sociale sector ?Quelles leçons d’avenir tirer du concept d’intégrateur de services pour les institutions du secteur social ?

Vlaams Parlement – Brussels – November 27, 2012
Automatische toekenning van rechten in de sociale sector

Visit of a Qinghai delegation (China) to Flanders – Brussels – June 20, 2011
Information management in the Belgian social and health care sector

Executive Roundtable by IBM on Analytics based decision making – Brussels – May 11, 2011
Enkele voorbeelden van analytics based decision making in de sociale sector

Current affairs class of the Pension Law Course – Leuven – December 21, 2010
De Kruispuntbank van de Sociale Zekerheid als motor van elektronische dienstverlening in de sociale sector

European Forum of the insurance against accidents at work and occupational diseases – Brussels – November 25, 2010
Electronic information exchange within the Belgian social sector coordinated by the Crossroads Bank for Social Security

Seminar on the Belgian Longitudinal Health Information System – Brussels – November 8, 2010
The possible support of the Crossroads Bank for Social Security (CBSS) and the eHealth platform to the Belgian Longitudinal Health Information System

IBM Academy – Brussels – September 15, 2010
Electronic exchange of information within the social sector

Conference of the Flemish Lawyers Association on “Law and progress” – Antwerp – May 7, 2010
Recht en vooruitgang: gevalstudie van de Kruispuntbank van de Sociale Zekerheid en het eHealth-platform

Press conference Belgian Commission for the Protection of Privacy – Brussels – January 15, 2010
20 jaar veilige elektronische gegevensuitwisseling in de sociale sector met respect voor de persoonlijke levenssfeer20 ans d’échanges de données électroniques et sécurisés au sein du secteur social dans le respect de la vie privée

Visit of IBM France and French journalists – Brussels – December 3, 2009
La Banque Carrefour de la Sécurité Sociale: le citoyen et l’entreprise au coeur de l’innovation

Regional summit of civil registries and identification of the InterAmerican Development Bank and the Latin American and Caribbean Council for Civil Registration, Identification and Vital Statistics (CLARCIEV)- Bogota/Brussels – November 4, 2009
Strategic importance of identity and access management (IAM). The case of the Belgian social and health sector

Seminar of Ernst & Young – Brussels – October 29, 2009
Electronic exchange of information within the social sector

Work session with a Canadian government delegation – Brussels – April 30, 2009
eGovernment in the Belgian social sector, co-ordinated by the Crossroads Bank for Social SecurityThe Belgian eHealth-platform

Work session with the Australian Minister for Human Services – Brussels – January 22, 2009
eGovernment in the Belgian social sector, co-ordinated by the Crossroads Bank for Social Security

International Social Security Forum – Tokyo/Brussels – September 24, 2008
eGovernment in the Belgian social sector, co-ordinated by the Crossroads Bank for Social Securityベルギー・クロスロードバンクによる社会保障機関の連携

Postacademic course in ICT networking and security – University of Ghent – Ghent – June 26, 2008
Information security and privacy protection aspects of electronic information management in the Belgian social sector

International Social Sector Forum – Brussels – June 4, 2008
Strategic use of ICT in the Belgian social sector

Senaat – Commissie Sociale Zaken – Brussels – March 5, 2008
De Kruispuntbank van de Sociale ZekerheidLa Banque Carrefour de la Sécurité Sociale

Executive Master in Public Management – Solvay Business School – Brussels – January 14, 2008
eGovernment: les principes de base et leur application dans le secteur social belge

Teleconference with the World Bank and the Argentinian Government – Buenos Aires/Brussels – December 3, 2007
eGovernment in the Belgian social sector, co-ordinated by the Crossroads Bank for Social Security

Seminar of the Industrial Court and Industrial Tribunals of Brussels – November 2007
De Kruispuntbank van de Sociale ZekerheidLa Banque Carrefour de la Sécurité Sociale

Conference on “Zorg & ICT: tussen kunst en kunde” – Veldhoven – November 15, 2007
Het kruispuntbankmodel voor de organisatie van elektronische gegevensuitwisseling: lessons learned

Awards ceremony European Public Service Award – Luzern – November 13, 2007
eGovernment in the Belgian social sector,co-ordinated by the Crossroads Bank for Social

Lunch address at the IBM Club “Anti-fraude et gestion des risques” – Paris – October 24, 2007
La Banque Carrefour belge de la Sécurité Sociale et la lutte contre la fraude

Evening Conference Studiecentrum Automatische Informatieverwerking – Antwerp – October 11, 2007
De implementatie van een Service Oriented Architecture in de sociale sector en in de gezondheidssector

Workshop at the Open Days 2007 during the European Week of Regions and Cities on “How to improve quality and efficiency for eGovernment and eServices in the regions” – Brussels – October 10, 2007
E-government in the Belgian social sector co-ordinated by the Crossroads Bank for Social Security

Work session with the World Bank and an Argentinian delegation – Brussels – September 13, 2007
E-government in the Belgian social sector, co-ordinated by the Crossroads Bank for Social Security

Workshop for finalists of the European eGovernment Awards 2007 – Brussels – July 26-27, 2007
Presentation of the selected project LIMOSA

Work session with Unédic (France) and Onem (Belgium) – Paris – June 18, 2007
E-government: les principes de base et leur application dans le secteur social belge

4th Conference of the European Commission on the European Charter for small enterprises – Berlin -June 4-5, 2007
E-govenment programme of the Belgian social sector for small and medium-sized enterprises

Belgian electronic identity card day of @rrowup – Ghent – April 26, 2007
Geïntegreerd elektronisch gebruikers- en toegangsbeheer in de sociale en gezondheidssector op basis van de elektronische identiteitskaart

R4eGOV User Group Meeting – Brussels – April 26, 2007
The Crossroads Bank for Social Security succeeding on interoperability within the social sector

Bachelor of Political Science at the University of Antwerp – Antwerp – April 17, 2007
E-government: basisprincipes en de toepassing ervan in de sociale sector

Seminar of “Vlaamse Dienst voor Arbeidsbemiddeling” on the project “My career” – Brussels – March 27, 2007
Ervaringen inzake E-government in de sociale sector

Seminar of IBM on Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) – Brussels – March 13, 2007
Is Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) delivering its promise ? The case of the Crossroads Bank for Social Security

Press conference concerning Limosa – Brussels – February 12, 2007
Limosa: mandatory declaration of foreign employees and self-employed (Dutch version)Limosa: mandatory declaration of foreign employees and self-employed (French version)

Festival of Public Administration 4.0: the Dutch Dream Revisited – Eindhoven – February 8, 2007
Innovatie: de case van de Belgische Kruispuntbank van de Sociale Zekerheid

8th ModinisWorkshop on Good Practice in Interoperability in Administrative Practice at Local and Regional Level – Brussels – January 30, 2007
Interoperability in the Belgian social sector

Workshop of the Belgian Privacy Commission – Brussels – January 24, 2007
E-government in de sociale sector en bescherming van de persoonlijke levenssfeer

Seminar of “Union des Classes Moyennes” – Namur – January 10, 2007
E-government dans le secteur social: état d’avancement et évolution prévue

Bachelor of Criminology KULeuven – Leuven – December 13, 2006
De Kruispuntbank van de Sociale Zekerheid als motor voor elektronische
dienstverlening in de sociale sector

E-government Summit – Brussels – November 8, 2006
Gebruikers- en toegangsbeheer: beschikbare diensten

Onem (Belgium) – Brussels – October 4, 2006
E-government dans le secteur de la sécurité sociale belge et la Banque Carrefour de la Sécurité Sociale

Workshop ADAPID (Advanced Applications for e-ID Cards in Flanders) project – Leuven -September 26, 2006
e-ID and identity management aspects in the Belgian social security sector

Workshop Board of Directors Crossroads Bank for Social Security – Brussels – July 4, 2006
Naar een dienstgeoriënteerde architectuur en het gemeenschappelijk gebruik van
Vers une architecture orientée services et l’utilisation commune des services de base

United Nations Public Service Day Event – New York – June 23, 2006
E-government in the Belgian social sector coordinated by the Crossroads Bank for Social

Seminar of “CM Limburg” – Houthalen-Helchteren – June 15, 2006
Situering van een aantal ontwikkelingen op het vlak van elektronische dienstverlening
door de overheid en de opportuniteiten voor privé-instellingen om daarop aan te sluiten

Meeting of the eGovernment – electronic identity management Ad hoc Group of the European Commission – Brussels – May 5, 2006
Some identification needs related to workers’ mobility

International workshop on the importance of metadata in the use of administrative sources – Leuven – March 27, 2006
Introduction to the data warehouse labour market and social protection

Roularta seminar “eID label: voor een veilig gebruik van de elektronische identiteitskaart op het internet” – Brussels – March 14, 2006
Gebruik van de elektronische identiteitskaart in de sociale sector: concrete
toepassingen en toekomstige visie

Conference of the Belgian National Office for Social Security on E-government in the social sector – Brussels – October 26, 2005
E-government in de sociale sector: toekomstige ontwikkelingenE-government dans le secteur social: développements futurs

Information day on the Communit-e project (electronic application for benefits for disabled people) – Brussels – October 18, 2005
De rol van de steden en gemeenten in het E-government van de sociale sectorLe rôle des villes et communes dans l’E-government du secteur social

Contact day of the Belgian National Register on electronic identification and electronic data exchange -Brussels – October 14, 2005
Veralgemeend gebruik van de elektronische identiteitskaart in de sociale zekerheidGénéralisation de l’usage de la carte d’identité électronique au sein du secteur de la
sécurité sociale

Efficiency in Government Conference – London – October 10-11, 2005
Integrated information management in the Belgian social sector

1st Modinis Workshop on Good Practice in Interoperability in Administrative Practice at Local and Regional Level – Brussels – September 14, 2005
Interoperability in the Belgian social sector

BEA Systems Customer Day on the business benefits of a service oriented architecture (SOA) – Genval – June 23, 2005
Service oriented E-government in the Belgian social sector

Work session with Dutch Minister of Social Affairs – Brussels – March 21, 2005
E-government in de Belgische sociale sector

IBM Academy – Brussels – February 24, 2005, February 25, 2004 and February 13, 2003
E-government in the social security sector

Symposium Tweede Kamer der Staten-Generaal about the Belgian Crossroads Bank for Social Security – The Hague – November 26, 2004
E-government in de Belgische sociale sector

Public Sector Debate – Rotterdam – May 13, 2004
E-government in the Belgian social security sector: a successful combination of
back-office integration and an e-portal solution

2nd Conference on quality of the Belgian public services – Brussels – November 12-13, 2003
E-government in de sociale sector: de multifunctionele aangifte

Masterclass on ICT-based innovation within public services by ROI and Zenc – The Hague – November 3, 2003
E-government in België, met klemtoon op de sociale sector

Evening Conference Studiecentrum Automatische Informatieverwerking – Brussels – October 23, 2003
E-government: doelstellingen, basisprincipes en realisaties en projecten in de sociale

European E-government Conference – Cernobbio – July 7-8, 2003
E-government in the Belgian social security sector: a successful combination of
back-office integration and an e-portal solution
Multi-platform service delivery

Conference on security in E-health by L-SEC – Leuven – June 12, 2003
The Crossroads Bank for Social Security, a model for the health care sector?

Workshop Interdisciplinair Centrum voor Recht en Informatica – Leuven – May 19, 2003
Naar een uitsluitend elektronische communicatie tussen ondernemingen en de sociale zekerheid

Public Management Program – Leuven – March 19, 2002
E-governmentDe Kruispuntbank van de Sociale Zekerheid anno 2002The Crossroads Bank for Social Security anno 2002

College van de Openbare Instellingen van Sociale Zekerheid – Brussels – February 15, 2002
Federaal E-portaal. Bijdrage van de sociale zekerheidE-portail fédéral. Contribution de la sécurité sociale